Choose the Tariffs menu item to see the information about all tariffs, both default and custom ones (i.e. added by cluster-admin), available at your BitssCloud platform. The opened table contains the Name, Template, and Description columns, while its records (tariffs) are grouped by type (dynamic cloudlets, reserved cloudlets, dynamic disk space, reserved disk space, network, option, and license) into the expandable lists.

Select the tariff you are interested in to see the panel to the right with the detailed data on its:
- minimum cloudlet limit amount
- cloudlet increment value
- discount tiers table

Note that Minimum cloudlet limit and Cloudlet increment values make sense only for those tariff plans, that depends on the number of cloudlets stated.You can adjust the list of tariff plans up to your particular needs by means of the following operations:
- Add a new tariff plan
- Modify the existing tariff plan settings
- Remove tariff plan
- Resellers tariffs
Add a New Tariff Plan
In order to add a new tariff plan with your custom values, click the Add button at the top tools panel:

In the opened Add tariff dialog, enter the Name for your new tariff and optionally specify the Description for it (both of these values will be used to define this plan in the common tariff list).Then you need to choose the required tariff plan type among several available ones and configure it using the appropriate instruction:
- Dynamic/Reserved Cloudlets
- Dynamic/Reserved Disk Space
- Network
- Option
- License
Dynamic/Reserved Cloudlets Tariff Plans
Choose the Dynamic or Reserved Cloudlets tariff plan Type using the same-named drop-down list:

Then specify the rest of the required settings in the Basic data box (to the left):
- Template – choose All or a particular stack template (if available) from the drop-down list
- Minimum cloudlet limit – specify the number of cloudlets, that can be stated as a minimum limit by a user
- Cloudlet increment – enter the minimal amount of cloudlets, that can be added by moving the slider while stating the cloudlet limit
Managing Cloudlets Tiers
Tiers are the scales with stated intervals of resource amounts with different price levels, based on the consumption. In order to adjust these scales according to your needs, perform the following:
- Doubleclick on the existing tier to edit it or click the Add button to create a new tier.
- Specify the needed values within the following columns:
- From – the number of cloudlets, where the tier interval starts
- Free – the amount of cloudlets, that is given to a user free of charge, if he gets to the appropriate tier (i.e. consumes at least the amount of cloudlets stated in the From field)
- Price – the cost per one cloudlet for the current tier
- Select Update when all the required tiers values are specified.
Once all the configurations are done, click Save for a new tariff plan to be added to the list.
Dynamic/Reserved Disk Space
Choose the Dynamic or Reserved Disk Space tariff plan Type using the same-named drop-down list:

Then select the Template within the drop-down list (All or a particular stack template if available) to finish the Basic data configuration.
Managing Disk Space Tiers
Tiers are the scales with stated intervals of resource amounts with different price levels, based on the consumption. In order to adjust these scales according to your needs, perform the following:
- Doubleclick on the existing tier to edit it or click the Add button to create a new tier.
- Specify the needed values within the following columns:
- From – the amount of disk space (in Gb), where the tier interval starts
- Free – the amount of disk space (in Gb), that is given to a user free of charge if he gets to the appropriate tier (i.e. consumes at least the amount of disk space stated in the From field)
- Price – the cost per one Gb of disk space for the current tier
- Select Update when all the required tiers values are specified.
Once all the configurations are done, click Save for a new tariff plan to be added to the list.
Network Tariff Plan
Choose the Network tariff plan Type using the same-named drop-down list:

Then select the Template within the next drop-down list (All or a particular stack template if available) to finish the Basic data configuration.
Managing Network Tiers
Tiers are the scales with stated intervals of resource amounts with different price levels, based on the consumption. In order to adjust these scales according to your needs, perform the following:
- Doubleclick on the existing tier to edit it or click the Add button to create a new tier.
- Specify the needed values within the following columns:
- From – the amount of network traffic (in Gb), where the tier interval starts
- Free – the amount of network traffic (in Gb), that is given to a user free of charge if he gets to the appropriate tier (i.e. consumes at least the stated amount of traffic in the From field)
- Price – the cost per one Gb of network traffic for the current tier
- Select Update when all the required tiers values are specified.
Once all the configurations are done, click Save for a new tariff plan to be added to the list.
Option Tariff Plan
Choose the Option tariff plan Type using the same-named drop-down list:

Then select the Template within the next drop-down list (either SSL or External IP) to finish the Basic data configuration.
Managing Option Tiers
Tiers are the scales for the provided resources with a variable price, based on the consumption dimensions of these resources. In order to adjust these scales according to your needs, perform the following:
- Doubleclick on the existing tier to edit it or click the Add button to create a new tier.
- Specify the needed values within the following columns:
- From – the number of used option items, where the tier interval starts
- Free – the number of option items, that is given to a user free of charge if he gets to the appropriate tier (i.e. consumes at least the stated amount of option items in the From field)
- Price – the cost per hour for a single item usage for the current tier
- Select Update when all the required tiers values are specified.
Once all the configurations are done, click Save for a new tariff plan to be added to the list.
Licence Tariff Plan
Choose the Licence tariff plan Type using the same-named drop-down list:

Then select the required stack Template from the same-named list (supposedly, Windows 2008 or Windows 2012) to finish the Basic data configuration.
Managing Licence Price
In order to adjust the price for the chosen stack’s usage, use the Price/hour column in the right-hand Tiers pane (double-click on it to start editing). State the desired cost for one hour of the chosen template usage and click on Update.
Once the configuration is done, click Save for a new tariff plan to be added to the list.
Modify the Existing Tariff Plan Details
In order to edit the details of a particular tariff plan, select it within the list of the available ones and click the Edit button at the top tools panel.

In the opened Edit tariff dialog you can edit all the tariff settings, stated during its creation, except for the Type and Template fields.
Once all the reconfigurations are done, click Edit to submit the changes you’ve made.
Remove Tariff Plan
In order to Remove a particular tariff plan, select it within the list of the available ones and click on the same-named button at the top tools panel.

Note: A tariff plan can’t be deleted if it is assigned to any user group.
To finish the removal process, confirm your choice at the appeared pop-up window. After that, the corresponding tariff will disappear from the plan’s list.